Contact Details

Need an Appointment?

Call or text: (508) 723-4494


email: or

use our contact form

Hours are by appointment only. Please call or text and we will do our best to accommodate you.  




Payment Options

Cash, Check, PayPal, Venmo

You can pay by credit card when using the BOOK NOW! button.

Cancellation Policy:  Any appointments not canceled within 24 hours will be charged.

Full Spectrum Energy Medicine

Cheryl Tarateta is a Certified Advance Full Spectrum Healer, Energy Medicine Practitioner and Master Energy Healer.  She received her Level III certification from The Soul Purpose in Swansea, MA.


Energy Medicine Definition

1.  The use of known subtle energy fields to therapeutically assess and treat energetic imbalances, bringing the body's systems (neurological, cardiovascular, respiratory, skeletal, endocrinal, emotional/psychological, etc.) back to homeostasis.


2.  The term energy medicine derived from the perceptions and beliefs of therapists and patients that there are subtle, bioloigic energies that surround and permeate the body.  It is suggested that these energies may be accessed in various ways through CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) for diagnostic and therapeutic interventions.


To book an appointment, call or text (508) 723-4494 or email me at or use the BOOK NOW! button above.




To Prepay for an appointment:

You can prepay for an appointment using PayPal or pay by credit card when booking with the BOOK NOW! button.

Full Spectrum Energy Medicine Session
100.00 USD

Full Spectrum Energy Medicine Session (approximately 1 hour)





Be sure to fill out Energy Medicine Consent form:

Energy Medicine Consent Form
Energy Medicine Practitioner Consent For[...]
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