Contact Details

Need an Appointment?

Call or text: (508) 723-4494


email: or

use our contact form

Hours are by appointment only. Please call or text and we will do our best to accommodate you.  




Payment Options

Cash, Check, or Venmo.

You can pay by credit card when using the BOOK NOW! button.

Cancellation Policy:  Any appointments not canceled within 24 hours will be charged.

Intuitive/Mediumship Readings

Cheryl Tarateta does Intuitive Readings or Mediumship Readings both in-person and remotely.   These sessions can help you navigate through the world by helping you to understand the questions that you have and seek some answers through spiritual guidance.   Mediumship Readings can bring you the connection you desire to have with those loved ones or friends that have passed.   They can also help bring closure to loved ones still here in the living.  


If you need a phone session, please text or email a picture of yourself for an Intuitive Reading  OR

a picture of who you would like to connect with for a Mediumship Reading.  You can also send a list of questions that you have for yourself or a loved one who has passed.  


Zoom sessions also available.




Cheryl has a Level 1 Mediumship Certification from The Soul Purpose in Swansea, MA.  She has also completed a Mystic Apprenticeship with Kawartha Mediums in Canada.



To book an appointment, call or text (508) 723-4494 or email me at or use the BOOK NOW!





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© Cheryl Tarateta 2022